Top 10k strings from Girl Who Was Death, The (1986)(Stephen Preston).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /

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   6 (((pppppp((((((
   6 "Are you sure you've got that    right?":
   5 ((((((((((((((((((((
   4 Z$=Z$+" ":
   4 (888888888((
   4 ((((((((((
   4 "You had ";E(1
   3 Z$="THUMP MAN"
   3 Z$="READ WATCH"
   3 Z$="PUNCH MAN"
   3 Z$="HIT MAN"
   3 ?????????????????
   2 ggggGGgggg
   2 c$="It's scanning.":
   2 a$="CLOCK"
   2 Z$="SCORE"
   2 Z$="PULL TOWEL"
   2 Z$="ENTER BOAT"
   2 Z$="EAT FOOD"
   2 Z$="BLOW NOSE"
   2 J$(A)=Z$(6
   2 I$(A)=J$(A):
   2 I$(A)=" ":
   2 A$=A$+D$(A):
   2 ;"You can see nothing else":
   2 ;"What are you going to do?"
   2 ;"     THE GIRL WHO WAS DEATH","         ADVENTURE GAME" ,                 
   2 8888888888xx8888
   2 8888888888888888
   2 08/88888800088
   2 )="EXAMINE "
   2 );"%      Press any key.":
   2 );" Seconds"'"to save London!":
   2 ()))))(888((((((((((
   2 ((0(0(0(0(0
   2 (((00000000000000000
   2 (((())))))
   2 (((((((888((((((((((
   2 (((((((((((()))))))(
   2 ((((((((((((((((((((((
   2 "You've run out of time! The     rocket has taken off & you have failed to save London.":
   2 "You're on your own!"
   2 "You wait a while, but get bored.":
   2 "You take the";Z$(5
   2 "You open it. It's not raining soyou decide to close it again.":
   2 "You have not got the rope.":
   2 "You have completed ";E(1
   2 "You have ";2000
   2 "You drop the";Z$(5
   2 "You crash!":
   2 "You can't carry any more!":
   2 "You can see":
   2 "You can go ...":
   2 "You are carrying..."
   2 "You are ";l$:
   2 "That tasted good!":
   2 "Sorry! I can't do that.":
   2 "SPIRITS","A strong drink.","FOOD","Simple nourishment.","RIFLES","Shooting devices for the enemy.","BOMBS","Exploding devices for the enemy.","MONEY","You're a millionaire... 5p.","CANDLES","When they burn, they let off a  cyanide gas!"
   2 "Position tape, then press play.":
   2 "Please don't type that! You knowit gives me indigestion.":
   2 "Nothing at all."
   2 "North","South","East","West","Up","Down","N.e.","S.e.","S.w.","N.w."
   2 "Insert empty tape, and press    the RECORD button, then press   any key.":
   2 "HANKY","You see writing on the hanky.It reads:Let's meet again... at    your local pub.","ROPE","Mountaineering rope. It could   hold an elephant.","BALL","Highly explosive!","BELLOWS","Useful for blowing breezes.","PHOTO","You see a picture of a          penny-farthing.","COSTUME","Looks Napoleonic to me.","UMBRELLA","A rain-shelter."
   2 "Do you want to try again? (Y/N)"
   2 "Be seeing you!":
   2 "Be more careful!":
   2 "BAT","Made from the willow tree!","WATCH","Try reading it instead!","LOUDSPEAKER","Looks dangerous!","BEER","A pint brewed to perfection!","KEY","Looks like an ignition key.","MACHINE GUN","It fires bullets rapidly.","PLANK","Long and wooden."
   2 "Are you sure? (Y/N)"
   1 z$="STAND UP"
   1 z$="SMASH SENSOR"
   1 z$="ENTER DIGGER"
   1 z$="DROP PLANK"
   1 z$="ALTER RIFLES"
   1 z$="ALTER BOMBS"
   1 xxxxxxxxxxOOxxxxxxxx
   1 xxxxxxxxxx0000000
   1 xx`````000xx``
   1 llllllllh}}}ll
   1 hhhhhhhhhhhhhh
   1 ggg```````````
   1 gd1c      
   1 eeeeeeleeeelonnooooo
   1 eeeeeeeexxxxge
   1 eeeeeeeeeeeeoooooooo
   1 bTTbeeeeeeeeoooooooo
   1 a$="SENSOR"
   1 ```````|xxxxg`
   1 ``````````````
   1 ```````000xxg`
   1 Z$="THROW BALL"
   1 Z$="SMASH DOOR"
   1 Z$="READ TOWEL"
   1 Z$="NORTH"
   1 Z$="LEAVE RING"
   1 Z$="KISS DORIS"
   1 Z$="KICK DOOR"
   1 Z$="EXAM TOWEL"
   1 Z$="ENTER RING"
   1 Z$="ENTER CAVE"
   1 Z$="DRINK BEER"
   1 Z$="BREAK DOOR"
   1 UPPjlleTTeeloolleeee
   1 The Girl Who Was Death          
   1 TTTTb`bPPb``````````
   1 TPPblllPPlllee``````
   1 TPPbeeeeeeeennoooooo
   1 TPPb``bPPbjaaaaaaaaa
   1 Gxxxxyyxxxx
   1 GIRL/DTH2 
   1 GIRL/DTH1 
   1 GD2C      
   1 GD2B      
   1 GD1B      ZQ
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 C$="It's broken.":
   1 A$="WRITING"
   1 A$="TOWEL"
   1 A$="MIRROR"
   1 ;"Press any key"
   1 ;"PART TWO"
   1 ;"Note that this has to be done   every time you play a new game  of Part 2."
   1 ;"Before you can play Part 2,you  must complete Part 1. At the endof Part 1 you will recieve a    message to save a short access  program to tape. You must load  that in now..."
   1 ;"     PRESS ANY KEY TO BEGIN     "          
   1 999999999889999999999
   1 9999988999999
   1 98xxxxxx88
   1 8x}}}x88xxxxxx88
   1 8xzzzzzzx8
   1 8xzzzx88xxxxxx88
   1 88ooo888xxxxxx88
   1 88ooo88888888888
   1 8898888888888888888898
   1 888ppp8888888008
   1 8888xxpxxxxxxxOOxxxxxpxx8888
   1 8888xx88xxxxxxxxxxxx88xx888h
   1 8888GGFGGGxxxxxxxxxxGFGG8888
   1 88888888xxxxxx88
   1 88888888888808
   1 88888888880888((((8880888888888888888888880888
   1 888888088888888888
   1 8888808880000888088888
   1 8880888888888888
   1 8808GGGGGGxxxzzzzxxxGGGG8088
   1 88/88888800088
   1 88(/////(0
   1 8088888888888888888888
   1 8(//////(000(/
   1 55555555555555555
   1 5550000000000000000055
   1 50000000000000000000000000000000(0000000000000000000000000000000(0000000000000000000000000000000(0008008008008008008008008000800(0088000000000088000088000001110(0088000000000088000088000001100 0088000000000000000000000001100 0000000000000000000000000001110
   1 5../((//..//..//../...
   1 23332333e32223d33233323233233323
   1 088880000108
   1 08//(((((0
   1 08(88888800088
   1 00055../..//../...5000
   1 000000000000000000000000000000000
   1 0000000000000000000000000000
   1 0000000000000000000000
   1 000000000000
   1 0000000000
   1 //////////88//////////
   1 ,"WATCH",2
   1 ,"UMBRELLA",14
   1 );" seconds left.":
   1 );" seconds left until the"'"cyanide gas takes effect...": 
   1 );" moves"'"left until the rocket takes off!":
   1 ))))))))))
   1 )))))))))(((()
   1 )))))(())((((())
   1 (888(888((0808((((((
   1 (888(888(((((((111((
   1 (00008888::::::8
   1 (////////505//
   1 (.
   1 (((00110110110110110
   1 (((*::::::::::::::::
   1 (((((((((8888888
   1 ((((((((((88((((((((((
   1 (((((((((((((((((.((((
   1 (((((((((((((((((((.
   1 (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((5(5(5(5(((((((((((((((5(5(5(5(
   1 ((((((((((((((((
   1 '"This game is based on an episodefrom the Prisoner TV series. Theoriginal copyright is held by   Itc Entertainment."
   1 '"Prof Schnipps. Crazy scientist. For the last 26 years he has    been building a super-rocket to destroy London. Find and destroyit. His daughter will be out to get you. She is known as the    girl of death - so beware! The  only help I can give you is thatshe may lead you to the rocket. She is tall and blonde, & alwayswearing white. Good luck!"
   1 %%%%%%%%%,,,,%%%%%%%%%
   1 "walking along a road.   You can see a town to the south.",9002
   1 "surprised to find       yourself half-way up a          lighthouse! The tunnel must of  run all the way from the top of the cliffs & under the sea.",0
   1 "standing in the wreckageof your vehicle. You just about glimpse the Girl going north.   There is a man-hole below you.",9068
   1 "standing by a big bush  which is covering a rock-face.  You can hear the sound of the   sea in the distance.",0
   1 "outside your local pub  which is to the south.",9020
   1 "outside a grocers shop. It is to the east.",9010
   1 "on the ground in the    baker's shop. The mines explode and you are dead!",0
   1 "on the cricket field.   It is a nice, warm afternoon.",0
   1 "on a street.            A fun-fair is to the west.",9020
   1 "on a street corner.",9030
   1 "on a roller-coaster.    There is no apparent sign of theGirl anywhere.",0
   1 "on a country road,      in a car. You are following     the Girl (who is in her car).",0
   1 "on a balcony, outside ofthe lighthouse.",0
   1 "inside your local pub.  It is well furnished, and there are groups of people around     tables. There is also a bathroomto the east. You can see Doris, the barmaid.",9036
   1 "inside the turkish bathsshop. You can see cupboard-like saunas",0
   1 "in the man-hole.        It is very dark.",0
   1 "in the grocers.",0
   1 "in the fair.            You can see two parked cars.",0
   1 "in the candle-stick     maker's. The Girl notes that    the candles are letting off     cyanide gas, & that if you blow them out, they explode! All yourescape routes are cut off by    thick plates of steel.",0
   1 "in the butchers shop.   There is a door to the east and west.",0
   1 "in the butcher's back   room.",9058
   1 "in the bathroom. You cansee a mirror over the sink and atowel hanging out of a box on   the wall.",0
   1 "in the bakers shop.     There is a door to the north &  south.",9098
   1 "in the baker's shop.    There are pipes running overheadThe Girl notes that the whole   floor is mined, & that they willall blow up anyway in a few     seconds.",0
   1 "in the Baker's. You havefallen into a trap! You are     hanging by your gun over some   spikes which are slowly rising. The Girl also notes that they   are electrified.",0
   1 "in no directions.":
   1 "in no directions as yet.":
   1 "in long grass at the    edge of the cricket field.      Tall trees surround you.",0
   1 "in a tunnel which is    running steeply down-hill.",9078
   1 "in a speed-boat. The    keys are in the ignition.",0
   1 "in a field. The Girl is leaving the helicopter so you   hide in a bush for a moment,thenyou come out.",9074
   1 "in a field. The Girl is leaving in a helicopter. The    helicopter is hovering overhead.",0
   1 "in a cave. There are    pictures of Napoleon on the rockwalls. You can see a spiral-    staircase.",0
   1 "in a boxing ring.       You can see 'The Killer'.",0
   1 "in a boat inside the    Tunnel of Love. It is dark and  mysterious. Your boat is        floating towards an exit to the south.",0
   1 "in a blacksmith's.      There is a big-digger here.Thereare some heavy doors to the east",0
   1 "in Witchwood - a ghost  town. You see the Girl's parked car. You park your own car.     Somewhere in this menacing town there is the Girl.",9050
   1 "in Barney's Boxing Boothwhich is a small, tent-like     structure, and it is packed withpeople. You see the ring in the middle.",0
   1 "hovering in the air, lowto the ground.",0
   1 "hanging on to a         helicopter. You are very high.",0
   1 "hanging on the hotline! You are getting near to the exit",9108
   1 "hanging on the hotline! The pipe is extremely hot, and  you won't be able to stay on it for very long!",9104
   1 "falling down to the     ground! Splat!! You asked for   that!",0
   1 "except for some writing on a    towel." 
   1 "except for a sensor device on   one wall. ";c$
   1 "except a roller-coaster."
   1 "except a boat.":
   1 "by the bell-tower. The  digger is raised and the Girl   cannot shoot you.The Girl throwsa bomb at your vehicle and the  engine blows up. You can see theGirl preparing a bazooka. There is a man-hole below you.",0
   1 "by the bell-tower.      The Girl is hiding in the       bell-tower with a machine-gun!  She instantly shoots you.",0
   1 "by a roller-coaster.    You are next to the rails where you get into the roller-coaster.",0
   1 "by a merry-go-round.",0
   1 "by a closed fashion shopAs you walk past, you think you see something move,but when you look in, you see nothing.",9008
   1 "by Barney's Boxing Booth(which is to the north). To the south there is a river running  into a cave. Above the cave     entrance there is a sign which  reads: The Tunnel of Love.",9012
   1 "beside a plastic sailor who is incased in glass. He     constantly laughs at you.",9026
   1 "at the top of the       lighthouse. You can see a       countdown clock and the controlsfor the rocket.",0
   1 "at the entrance to the  fair.",9018
   1 "at the end of the       hotline. It is now safe to go   down.",0
   1 "at the edge of the town.You can see a building to the   west with a sign by it.It reads:Benny's Turkish Baths.",9004
   1 "at the bottom of the    lighthouse. You can see a boat  to the east.",0
   1 "at an entrance to a     butchers (which is to the west).You can see a bell-tower to the north.",9052
   1 "Your mission has succeeded! It  is now safe to return to  Londonto report the good news!"
   1 "You've got ";E(17
   1 "You try to make yourself sick bydrinking the spirits fast. You  look unwell, so Doris takes you to the bathroom.":
   1 "You throw the loudspeaker into  the water. It explodes! That wasa lucky escape!":
   1 "You throw the ball as far as youcan! It lands in a bush to the  west, then suddenly explodes!   Your arrival has been"'"anticipated!":
   1 "You survive once again."'"You continue to follow the Girl.She drives ahead of you, but it is not long before you come     across her empty car.":
   1 "You suffocate! Poor old chap.":
   1 "You stand up, causing the back  cushion to fall off, thus       freeing yourself.":
   1 "You somehow manage to stay on   the road.She hypnotises you to  drive right...":
   1 "You see yourself."'"(Well,Patrick anyway!)":
   1 "You see the Girl preparing a    bazooka.":
   1 "You see the Girl getting into   one of the cars and driving off.You get in the other and follow.":
   1 "You see the Girl aiming the     bazooka at you.":
   1 "You punch the other boxer.      He says,""I've got a message froma lady.""":
   1 "You punch the other boxer.      He says,""Be careful son.My face is my fortune! You might knock  it back into shape."" You've madehim angry. You'd better leave   the ring quickly.":
   1 "You punch him again. ""You're to go to the Tunnel of Love.""":
   1 "You pull the towel out of the   box on the wall. There is some  writing on it!":
   1 "You pull the towel out of the   box on the wall, but you can't  see anything.":
   1 "You mess around with the"'"controls and cause quite a few  short circuits! The rocket is   now disabled.":
   1 "You let go of the gun and fall  to your death...":
   1 "You leave the ring just in time!'The Killer' was just about to  flatten you. He disappears from the ring.":
   1 "You leave the Tunnel of Love.   You see the Girl heading for theRoller-coaster.":
   1 "You hear a massive explosion    overhead.":
   1 "You have now completed PART ONE of this adventure game. To be   able to play PART TWO you will  need a saved game position at   this point, so please follow thefollowing instructions...":
   1 "You have killed Schnipps and theGirl but you have failed to stopthe rocket...":
   1 "You have failed to kill Schnippsand the Girl and have failed to stop the rocket...":
   1 "You go up, but are stopped half way by a gang of soldiers. They kill you in no time.":
   1 "You find a small hole. You enterit...":
   1 "You fall into a trap-door on to a load of spikes!":
   1 "You enter the sauna (fully"'"clothed, of course!). Suddenly, someone puts a broom through thesauna handles! Before you can   move, the person also puts a    goldfish bowl over your head!   It's getting hard to breath.":
   1 "You enter the ring. There is    nothing of interest here,so you leave it.":
   1 "You drink the spirits.":
   1 "You drink it slowly."'"As you drink, words suddenly    start appearing on the base of  the glass. They read,""You have  just been poisoned"" Oh dear!":
   1 "You die in the explosion.":
   1 "You damage the sensor beyond    repair.":
   1 "You create a heavy breeze. All  the candles explode and create ahole in one wall.":
   1 "You cannot. You are tied to the chair.":
   1 "You can't see a boat.":
   1 "You can hear some men"'"approaching from upstairs..."
   1 "You are tied to a chair with a  loose fitting."
   1 "You are sick! The poison leaves your body. You wash your hands, then turn the tap off.":
   1 "You are holding a ball which is a bomb!"
   1 "You are getting nearer to the   exit.":
   1 "You are electricuted!":
   1 "Wrong file... try again.":
   1 "Too late! The cyanide kills you!":
   1 "The spikes are rising rapidly..."
   1 "The soldiers pick up the rifles.":
   1 "The soldiers overpower you and  take the guns off you.":
   1 "The soldiers open fire...":
   1 "The soldiers fire the rifles butthey all backfire. The're dead!":
   1 "The sensor picks up your"'"movement. A series of bullets   come from nowhere...":
   1 "The roller-coaster ride comes toan end. You get out.":
   1 "The poison starts to take"'"effect! You fall heavily to the ground - dead!":
   1 "The plank lands on the spikes."
   1 "The non-conductive wood saves   you. It raises you to safety...":
   1 "The mop snaps in half and you   fall out! You see some writing  on one of the other saunas. It  reads,""Go to Barney's Boxing    Booth, front row. P.S.Who would be a goldfish?""":
   1 "The mines explode!":
   1 "The men are here! They are all  soldiers who unfortunatly want  to kill you.":
   1 "The loudspeaker comes to life.  ""You have passed my first few   tests brilliantly.I'll be seeingyou again...Auf Wiedersehen.""   You know that the voice is that of the girl of death.":
   1 "The helicopter is landing...":
   1 "The exit is upon you.":
   1 "The doors are too heavy to open.":
   1 "The digger knocks the door down.":
   1 "The countdown reaches zero...   The rocket takes off! You have  failed to stop the rocket, and  London is destroyed.":
   1 "The bombs explode in the hands  of the Girl and Schnipps. It waslucky you altered them!"
   1 "The bombs explode in the boat   that you're in..."
   1 "The baths are closed.":
   1 "The Girl hypnotises you to driveleft...":
   1 "The Girl fires the bazooka!":
   1 "The Girl and Schnipps suddenly  appear in the lighthouse doorwaycarrying some bombs. They throw them at you!"
   1 "The Girl and Professor Schnipps are here. At gunpoint, you are  tied to a chair in the middle ofthe room. Schnipps says,""The    lighthouse is the rocket!""      ""This is the nose cone,"",says   the Girl excitedly,""when the    rocket reaches London you will  be the first to know about it.  Won't that be exciting?!""":
   1 "Silence...":
   1 "She says""You're too old for me!""":
   1 "Ok.You are in the roller-coaster":
   1 "Now load in PART TWO and when itasks you for a saved game"'"position, you must load in the  one that you have just saved.   Be seeing you in part two!":
   1 "No time for that! The ball you  were carrying has exploded.     You are dead!":
   1 "Just as you are getting out of  the boat,the loudspeaker"'"explodes.You are dead!":
   1 "It's stopped! Schnipps has set  the lighthouse to take off at anearlier time, anyway.":
   1 "It reads,""Upset tummy? Try      Benny's Turkish Baths around thecorner!""":
   1 "It has stopped!":
   1 "In your dieing moments you      realize that it will not be     difficult for Schnipps to get   the rocket working again...":
   1 "In the Green Dome, Number Two   was furiously shouting at his   assistant. ""Might drop his      guard with children! He told    them a blessed fairy-tale! That one wouldn't drop his guard withhis own grandmother!!""":
   1 "A fight is about to start. You  sit on the front row waiting.   Suddenly, the referee shouts,   ""For the first time in this     country,'The Killer'versus a manof mystery in the front row."" Hepoints at you. You have no      choice but to fight.":
   1 "'The Killer' punches you."
   1 "'The Killer' punches you, but   this time there has been some   permanent damage...":
   1 """All that remains is to fire thelighthouse when we get out to   sea."" says Schnipps. Schnipps   has now set the countdown at a  much earlier time than you had  anticipated! Schnipps & the Girlleave."
   1 """...and that is how I saved     London from the mad scientist."" said Number Six softly, as he   closed the storybook."'"""One more story, please! One    more!"" cried the children in    delight. ""No,"" said Number Six  strictly,"" it's way past your   bedtime, but I'll come tomorrow.I don't think I have any other  important appointments...""":
   1  1986 Stephen Preston",:
   1  1986 Stephen Preston"'
   1  1985 Stephen Preston